In samenwerking met Fjuze Events mocht Spoken Agency de creatieve programmering verzorgen van TEDx Amsterdam Salon 2019 in Schiphol, met het thema Planet Act. Een bijzondere locatie voor dit thema omdat vliegtuigen natuurlijk zorgen voor een hoop vervuiling. Vandaar een openingswoord van directeur Dick Benschop over de duurzame plannen van Schiphol. De zes sprekers van TEDx hadden allemaal een mooi onderwerp om over te spreken in het thema van een betere wereld.
Spoken Word Opening
We trapten af met een spoken word openingsact van Justin Samgar met muzikale begeleiding van The Wong Janice op cello. Ze kozen de track Walking Tree van Nadav Dagon als uitgangspunt en gebruikten de prachtige beelden uit de bijbehorende video van Dirk de Graaff. Een passende tekst om het thema planet act bij het publiek te introduceren.
Er is geen duurzamere act dan Florian Wolff and The Green Machine. Niet alleen omdat hij een fantastische singer/songwriter met een groen hart is. De Green Machine die hij meeneemt is een fiets waar iemand uit het publiek opstapt en zo stroom genereert voor de gitaar en looping machine van Florian. Te gekke muziek en heel veel groene menselijke energie.
Live Wrap Up
Een evenement met zes sprekers ter plekke samenvatten in het Engels, dat klinkt als een klus voor Justin Samgar. Met 10 jaar ervaring in spoken word en sneldichten voor bedrijven, festivals en televisie maakt hij met gemak een samenvatting die de kern raakt. Altijd met een kleine knipoog, een scherpe blik en een inspirerende boodschap aan het einde.
Woordkunstenaars en muzikanten
Spoken Agency heeft meerdere (huis)dichters, songwriters, spoken word artiesten en muzikanten aan te bieden. Deze hebben al OPENINGSACTS, INTERMEZZO’S en LIVE WRAP UPS verzorgd voor Wajer Yachts, Dirk van den Broek, Dom Perignon, Microsoft, Moët Imperial, Rituals, Heineken en vele anderen. Neem gerust contact op voor meer informatie of bekijk onze diensten- of artiestenpagina.
Spoken Word Live Wrap Up TEDxAmsterdam – Planet Act
Instead of saying I am not insane
but I am an airplane.
I started today a bit less crazy
with some poetry saying I am a tree.
It maybe sounds farfetched or a bit of a stretch
but we have a lot in common with trees,
the birds, flowers and the bees.
We’re always growing, doing our very best
to be seen and see
how far we can come, as if life is one big test.
Today our minds grew a bit bigger
because we opened our ears and hearts.
Every story was a sort of a trigger
shooting little knowledge darts
that opened some new brain parts.
We opened with an important statement
that aviation has to wake up.
Schiphol has a serious mission
to end their own co2 emission.
Let’s hope they will realize this vision.
This planet already rang the alarm
and I am happy Schiphol listens.
Because bird spotting is a way of life.
Arjen Dwarshuis shares his bird adventures.
It’s the bird spotting world title for which he strived
but he is also just happy that some birds are still alive.
One out of eight birds is on threat for extinction.
So next time you hear a bird please enjoy and listen.
Kwie, kwie, kwie, kwie is also the title of the book
Arjen his girlfriend has written.
From flying birds to flying doctors
with Dr. Githinji Gitahi from Amref and Kenya.
He talks about the people behind the numbers
because hope and dreams are the same
as in Europe as they are in Africa.
Because what matters is human life
and positive experiences.
It makes Sophie as well as Nanthekunda thrive.
Bob Hendrix wanted to build a sustainable house
It was a moonshot, a journey in which he learned a lot.
He went to Detroit in dodgy Greyhound
and discovered new things in an alien spot.
Unlocked potential in abended neighborhoods
and also for nature that was pretty good.
So they build a house with Detroit roots
but true connection gave him the biggest boost.
We have to wake up, rise up,
start cycling to get lean and green.
Because after the break my friend Florian came
with sustainable songs and a green machine.
Because green human energy works exactly the same,
and an effort this big from the audience
is every artist’s biggest dream.
Femke van der Laan came to talk about the loss
of her husband Eberhard, the father of her kids.
Without facts, numbers, jokes or even a laptop,
she talks about her sorrow, sadness and what she did.
Because almost nobody talks about it,
while we all are at a certain moment confronted by this.
Grief, loss and pain are a part of all of us.
So keep that in mind when someone shares with us.
With talking and listening comes connection, relieve and love.
We’re continuing with Max Hirsch and some hope.
He is professor in Hong Kong and all about sustainable aviation.
Flying is accessible, but is it good for the climate? Nope!
It needs to be more green but still open for the world population.
He addressed some possible solutions,
but it’s going to be a big effort producing
green planes in the now and future.
But if we don’t we all will be losing
because of the mayor pollution.
Roanne van Vorst is facing most of her fears
and helps us seeing some of the big problems.
Do we need a massive agreement for radical change?
Because it all starts with a small group of them.
When the idea starts to spread and we hear
what really matters we can change our diet,
Like we changed smoking, slavery and witch hunt.
All so that one day when you still eat animals,
most people will consider you a cunt.
We shared stories about the future
and also stories about the past.
But when you’re at Schiphol,
the time always flies by so fast.
We had enough food for thought,
so let’s all take a flight to the bar
for some drinks and small talks.
And after that a bon voyage and au revoir.
I just have one more thing to say.
When you leave from here,
take with you what you’ve learned today.
Because the world is a beautiful place
and it needs to stay that way.
So spread this news through space
and make the best of every day.